Ladder Stitch Tutorial

Ladder Stitch Tutorial
Ladder Stitch Tutorial

Ladder Stitch

There are many ways to create a beaded “ladder.” This tutorial covers the single-needle, single-thread method, also referred to as the traditional ladder.

Step 1

Cut a comfortable length of thread. Thread a needle onto the end first off of the spool. Thread on the first two beads in the pattern then pass the needle and thread back through both beads again, forming a loop.

Step 1

Step 2
Thread on the third bead in the pattern.

Step 2

Pass the thread through the second bead strung and then through the third bead.

Step 3

Continue picking up a new bead, passing the thread back through the previous bead, and through the new bead a second time until you reach the length the pattern suggests or to the length you prefer.