Crystaletts® Tucson Dreams Bracelet by Sharon Wagner

Tucson Dreams

Design by Sharon Wagner

MRAW 45 units long by 2 units wide, then zip up with Crystallets® 45 units equals approximately 7 1/2 inches.

Step 1:

On 2 wingspans of 8lbs Fireline, leaving an 8" tail pick up 4 - A beads, pass thru the first two beads to make a RAW unit.

Step 2: 

Pick up 1 - B, 3 - A's and follow the thread path in diagrams 2a & 2b. Repeat fora  total of 45 units, or the desired length minus the length of the clasp.

Step 3:

Begin row 2 with a RAW unit as in diagram 3.

Step 4:

Pick up 1 - B and 2 - A's and follow the thread path in diagram 4 Repeat this step to the end of Row 1. Zip it up!

Step 5:

Exiting the last unit of Row 2, pickup 1 - A and pass thru the two A's on the end of Rows 1 & 2, pass thru the A bead added this step, and thru the adjacent A in the first unit of Row 1. Diagram 5 red dot to blue arrow.

Step 6-A:

Pick up 1 - C, pass thru the A at start of step 5 ~ diagram 5 and continue thru the A added in step 5, and snug up the beads.

Step 6-B:

Pick up 1 B and pass thru the next down A bead on row 1, pick up 1 C, pass thru opposite up A bead, C bead from step 6A, skip the B bead, and pass thru the down A bead on Row 1 again.

Step 7-A:

Repeat to the end of Rows 1 & 2. Diagram 7-A.

Step 7-B:

Exiting the last unit of Row 1, pick up 1 - A and pass thru the two A's on the end of Rows 1 & 2, pass thru the A bead added this step. Repeat thread path to secure.

~Attach one half of clasp with working thread, weave in and cut thread. Attach the other half of the clasp with clasp with the tail thread, weave in and cut thread.